I could completely sympathize with her. While my own daughter doesn’t have a sibling to argue with, she and I do ruffle each others feathers every now and then, and I, much like my client, wonder if I am handling these interactions with her in the best way.
She is at the age where, well, let’s just say physical cleanliness is definitely more important to me than it is to her, and I find myself wondering whether my constant, persistent, commands to “bush hair please”, or “hair and teeth, please”, or “did you floss?” are really the right approach.
“Should we just let our kids go dirty, and not pressure them to brush their teeth,” my client wondered?
I used this example because it provides both a literal and figurative look at how our “dirty minds” work. Just as not cleansing our bodies will leave them dirty, not cleansing our mind will do the same. If you are constantly thinking negative thoughts, negativity is what you will receive. I call this the dirty mind syndrome.
The definition of the Law of Attraction states that whatever you give you attention, energy and focus to, you’ll get more of it, whether positive or negative. Positive thoughts or feeling (vibrations) attract more positive experiences, negative thoughts or feelings… well you know where that leads. And, you can always tell whether or not you are offering a positive vibe or a negative vibe, by the way you feel. Positive vibes always feel good, or at least provide some relief when you are offering them, which is the indicator that you are on the right track to attract whatever it is you really want.
Your emotions are like your own personal GPS system, telling you whether your current feeling (or current vibration) is positive or negative.
So, with this in mind, I asked my client, “Do you feel good when you have to repeatedly ask your children to do something?”
Her reply was an instant, “No.” I agreed with her because, I don’t feel good about it either.
I concluded, in these particular interactions with my daughter, that my negative emotions are my indicator that I was offering a negative vibe and the chances are less likely that this situation was going to go the way I wanted it to.
So, what do I want? How do I want this situation to turn out?
Well, I’d like my daughter to take more responsibility for her behaviour. I’d like her to be motivated to take action without me having to remind her.
By simply thinking these thoughts, I’ve raised my own vibration. This is a great first start and, I’ve decided I’m only going to ask her once (in a loving way). Then, I am going to back off!
I know what you’re thinking – “She’s crazy! The kid will never do it!” But, by doing this, I feel better and my daughter has to feel better. I’ve increased the likelihood of turning this situation around through my positive (clean) thoughts.
And, guess what? I have noticed an improvement! It’s not just in her cleanliness either. It has affected her actions in other areas as well. She now comes home from school, opens up her backpack, and is inspired to get her work completed – without me saying a word!!
Parenting, like so many topics, is fraught with ambiguity. Am I too strict or too slack? Do I praise my daughter too much or too little? Is she too young to watch that show with me? Too young to listen to that song? Is she already a video game addict? Will she grow up to be a good person? What is a good person?
So many questions! And, while I may not have the answer to all of them, here is what I do know. My daughter will not be cold; she will not go hungry; her hair will be tidy (somewhat); she will not smell (much); her face will be clean(ish), and I will do my best to treat her in ways that, at the end of the day, I feel ok with. And, most importantly for me – I will have a clean mind!
Are you unsure of what to do? Undecided about something? Get yourself into alignment vibrationally first (clean your mind!) then, take action.
Using the Law of Attraction is not about the conditions changing (my daughter behaving better) and then finding a better feeling in response to the changed condition. Deliberately creating your own life using the Law of Attraction is about choosing a thought that feels good when you choose it, which then causes the condition to change.
So, here’s the big question – Do you have a “dirty mind”? If so, don’t be ashamed. We’ve all been there. I encourage to share an experience where your feelings are telling you that your actions could be more negative than positive, and therefore not aligned with what you actually want - and how you can turn that around!
Marlene, i guess in context I am guilty of having a dirty mind.. as a matter of fact, i blogged all about early this morning!! karma!!
ReplyDeleteIn my situation, i had a very difficult decision to make and I am guilty of having a dirty mind while worrying all about it... it's when i took control and changed my thinking that I was able to make the right decision for me...
Thanks for reminding me that I have the power the change outcome! The mind can be your ally if you channel it the right way... it takes effort, but more so, for me, it takes taking notice of where my thoughts are going...
thanks for sharing...
I can totally relate since I have a 15 yr old boy. They do not care so much about hygiene! I tried vibrating good thoughts and he still didn't brush his teeth. Resonating anger certainly doesn't work. I found what does work is moving back the days he'll be able to drive for every "violation". This DOES work.
ReplyDeleteSo even though I try reasoning, vibrating good thoughts and other mindset initiatives, he still is 15 and they help but don't get the job done. Taking something they love (facebook, phone, or the possibility of getting to drive) and dangling it out in front of them....well it works....amazingly well.
It's funny how all kids are so different. Things that work on most don't work on mine. Things that worked with our parents don't work on my child. We have to be very inventive and creative with our parenting.
He is challenging but so very worth it!
Marlene this is great. I was just having this conversation with my sister this morning about how sometimes I perceive others as not appreciating me.... it causes not so pleasant thoughts in my mind. And the way I always fix it is to do the opposite, I change my thoughts towards them and offer more appreciation and support to those individuals. This shifts it away from me, makes it about them and then magic - I start to feel good again. Your mind is so powerful!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great comments!
ReplyDeleteHere is something else to think about ... sometimes our negative thoughts and behaviors are easily identified as such, however sometimes we give it to people cleverly. Ever notice how we can make people laugh by recounting to them all the things that are wrong with our lives - and then we ask the Law of Attraction to give us the exact opposite of it!?? Remember, you get whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to.
Thank you - you are terrific!