I Teach the Law of Attraction. I teach people how to get more of what they want and less of what they don’t. What do I say to myself when I find myself attracting more of what I don’t want? My internal dialogue goes something like this:
”How can I possibly be an effective teacher, when I don’t have this perfected myself?” Believe it or not, I do have thoughts like this, more often than I care to admit.
The doubt and fear creep in when I am faced with personal struggles. For instance, if a friend and I are at odds or my husband and I aren’t seeing eye to eye on a particular topic. I think I am feeling pretty good, my vibrations feel high. I think I am focusing more on what I want, so why do I occasionally get something so different? Why isn’t my life presenting me with wonderful interaction or opportunity after wonderful interaction or opportunity?
With teaching and talking and learning and reading, slowly but surely I learn to answer my own questions. I call it contrast!
Contrast is essentially anything that shows up in your life that doesn’t feel very good. When my co-worker criticizes me, I call that contrast. Why my husband is out of sorts, I call that contrast. But, from this contrast comes clarity about what it is you really do want, and for this reason contrast is essential. You must learn to voice what it is that you want, rather than what you don’t. For instance:
“I`d like my business partner and I to want the same things and encourage and support each other.”
“I`d like my husband and I to be team players; to enjoy our time together; to uplift each other.”
In the moment you know what you don`t want, you become keenly aware of what you do want. You focus on your preferences and then they begin to draw to themselves, through the law of attraction, the essence of that which matches it. It then begins an immediate expansion.
As you pay attention to what you do want and continue to choose good feeling thoughts regarding that, you stay aligned with it. Now, it gently and easily appears in your experience – and you are well on your way to creating your desire! But, keep in mind that along with this often comes more contrast and an evolved perspective. The vibrational characteristics of you and everything about you have shifted somewhat, and you have moved into a new set of contrasting circumstances that will again inspire new preferences within you – and now, new desires emanate from you.
In the moment that you figure out that you want things to be different, it too begins to vibrationally draw towards itself, and it too expands. So now, as you continue to pay attention to the way you feel, and you choose good feeling thoughts regarding this newly born preference, you remain vibrationally aligned with it. Therefore, it gently and easily appears in your experience. Once again, you have created your desire. And, once again, you have achieved a powerful place of clarity where another new set of contrasting factors surround you – which will cause a new desire to be born ……
The point here is, you never get it all done, and things are never perfect, and that`s the way it is suppose to be!
This is how we get better. This is how life evolves. The valuable contrast continues to provide the birthing of endless new desires, and as each desire is born, the law of attraction responds to that desire. It is a never-ending, always flowing, pure, positive energy expansion.
So, I am doing it right! We are doing it right! That contrast is your pivot point, the signal, the calling, that you are now given the opportunity to move to something even greater, even better.
I am beginning to feel grateful for the contrast!
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