Friday, January 7, 2011

A Business Coach and Successful Weight Loss; what’s the connection???

This is the time of year when most people are talking about their New Year’s Resolutions, what they are, and how best to keep them – but personally, I don’t ever set them, at least not in January. I do set goals frequently, and I am constantly thinking about how I want my family life, relationships and career to unfold, it’s just that the calendar date is not my motivator. I do, however, want to share with you something I am planning on doing (and the fact that it starts in January is timely!)

I have decided to commit to working with a business mentor – someone to coach me with respect to my business development and success. I am paying someone to work with me. We will have monthly meetings in person as well as by phone (we talked on Skype the other day as she was out of the country), in addition to quarterly mastermind meetings with other like-minded entrepreneurs where we will spend 2 days planning, debating and improving each others business.

This is not easy for me – it’s not easy for me to pay for this, and it’s not easy for me to tell you!

Why you might ask?

My negative thought process goes something like this;

“I have an MBA for goodness sake, why would I pay someone to help me with strategy development?”

“I currently work as a marketing consultant, why would I pay someone to help me develop marketing strategy and tactics for my own business?”

“I have many years of senior management work experience; I don’t need anyone’s help”!

The Best Entrepreneurs Have a Great Boss!

However, I am doing it, and I am committed to it, because I know that in my previous (and current) work experiences I performed best when I had someone whom I admired and respected challenge the way I think, or provided me with insights that I alone can’t see. I am letting go of one of my flawed premises which says I must figure it all out myself.

Many of you know that I work with people who are having difficulty attaining their ideal body weight, and I do so by applying the principles of the Law of Attraction to weight loss (rather than merely focusing on food intake and exercise alone). I was struck by how similar my issue of working with a coach is to my clients who have issues with their weight.

You see overeating is not simply a food issue, but often is a relationship issue.

Weight issues are, on some level, a statement of our unavailability. Feeling separate from others, we build walls; then, having built a wall, we feel more separate from others. Separation becomes a theme, not only regarding our bodies but in other aspects of our life as well (take my coaching example). A wall goes up around us physically and energetically or (vibrationally) as we learn to dissociate from others in ways both large and small.

Something that keeps us trapped in a pattern of over eating is our tendency to isolate. For in isolation we feel permission to self-destruct. Without someone there to say, “Don’t do it”; you are free to indulge the deepest craving. Now, don’t get me wrong, there is such a thing as splendid solitude, but isolation is not it. Isolating is a defense against relationships; and for the over eater, it’s the way to avoid dealing with others so that you can have your relationship with food all by yourself. Food will not pressure you. If you stand alone, there are no consequences if your e-zine doesn’t get sent out on time. Food will accept you. Food will understand you. Food will make you feel better. Alcohol reads from the same handbook, by the way.

I am learning to release my belief that I should know it all by this age and stage, reaching across the wall that separates me from my coach, and establishing a pattern of connection in a place where I hadn’t allowed it before. This re-patterning is a path I believe to not only great business success, but attainment of a healthy happy body.

Working on this is not a New Year’s Resolution for me; it’s not something I can just check off my to-do list. You can’t just get it over with. This issue – like most – involves a lifelong journey that once begun, never ends. It is a journey not simply into food recovery, or business success, or relationship success etc., but into a more light-filled life. It is a journey into the heart of love, toward others and towards you.


PS – If you do set New Year’s Resolutions, here is something for you to think about. Resolutions, like many new decisions, are often made from a clear awareness of what we do not want or of what has not gone well. Try to spend some time lining up your thoughts and beliefs (vibrations) with your new decision. For example, if a resolution to earn more money is coming from a keen awareness of the absence of enough money, the Law of Attraction will match your vibration of lack. Try making your resolutions or your goals come from a place of expectation rather than doubt, from a place of belief rather than scepticism.

PPS – Very excited about being on Rogers Daytime Ottawa Television on Thursday, January 13. Please stay tuned for further information!

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