Thursday, December 9, 2010

How Not to Watch Your Weight

As a Certified Law of Attraction trainer (who happens to be schooled as a Dietitian), I am always interested in the educated opinions of others with respect to how to attain and maintain a healthy happy body. When an article arrived in my in-basket from Dr. Weil on the topic, I immediately opened it.

Dr. Weil quotes the following in his article entitled, How Not to Watch your Weight (;

“So many women are overweight or obese these days that a surprising number of them just don't see a problem: a new study reveals that nearly 25 percent of overweight women mistakenly describe their weight as "normal." Their views aren't based on numbers on the scale, but on how they perceive themselves, say researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. The researchers noted that more than half of reproductive-aged women in the United States are considered overweight or obese by body mass index (BMI) standards, and that 82 percent of African-American women and 75 percent of Mexican American women meet the criteria for being overweight or obese. The investigators analyzed data on more than 2,200 women 18 to 25 years old. In addition to BMI, they collected information from the women about their weight perceptions and weight-related behaviors such as dieting, skipping meals, smoking cigarettes, avoiding carbohydrates and exercise. The study was published in the December, 2010, issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology.”

Here is Dr. Weil’s take on the study;

“Experts have suspected for some time that people look to their peers to determine what constitutes acceptable weight. The women in this new study may have drawn their perceptions of "normal" weight from the people they see around them, rather than any reliance on the scale, BMI or "ideal" height/weight charts. "Average" is not the same as "normal" or "healthy," and we're not going to make any progress against the obesity epidemic if individuals who are overweight or obese don't see their size realistically.”

Interesting - I see the solution as quite the opposite.

I don’t see the solution to the problem having anything to do with facing reality. I see the solution as quite the opposite – that is to do the best you can to keep your thoughts from focusing on the aspects of your body which are displeasing to you, and to find aspects/qualities/topics that are pleasing to you.

The key to creating the body you desire (and in fact anything you desire) is to find a way to turn to the better-feeling, positive thoughts, even when the way your body currently is doesn’t evoke it from you. You would be further ahead to use your willpower to focus your thoughts in the direction of what you want your body to look like, rather than to spend more time “facing reality”.

So how do I do this Marlene? How do I live in a body which is displeasing to me, and I feel like I have no control over what I put in my mouth. How do I start to feel better about this? The answer is slowly and patiently!

So, in the beginning, your thoughts may be something like the following;

I am fat (negative)

· I don’t want to be fat (negative)

· I am so tired of being overweight (negative)

· I don’t like what I see when I look in the mirror (negative)

· I hate shopping for clothes (negative)

· I've tried so many things, nothing works for me (negative)

Now, your job here is not to fix everything, your job is to try to find a thought that feels a little bit better;

· I wish I could find a way to make this work (more positive)

· My back certainly would feel better (more positive)

· This meal I am eating right now sure is delicious (positive)

  • I could eat some now, and save some for later (positive)

· I like having choices (positive)

  • Look at her over there munching away on those cookies. Her metabolism allows her to eat tasty things and still be slender. She’s probably unhealthy, and that’s the only thing she will eat today (negative)
  • Ahhh there is evidence of someone who’s in alignment with her desire of eating a cookie (positive)

Whenever you find yourself beating the same old drum about your body weight, or facing the “reality” of anything in your life that you don’t like, if you would make an effort to turn your thoughts more positively, and stay focused upon the subject until you feel a slight turn, in a very short period of time you will improve the vibrational relationship between where you are and what you want. You will be amazed at the leverage this improved vibration will give to your weight management process. Remember, the job of the Law of Attraction is to mirror back to you what ever it is you are offering vibrationally. Everything about attaining your ideal body weight will get easier and easier until, in time, your desired body weight will have been achieved.

What are you offering vibrationally?


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